Meet The Team

Since 2017, the NPHub team has successfully facilitated 10,000+ clinical placements for 8,000+ NP students across the country. As the #1 clinical placement agency in America, we are extremely proud of the work we do and we're always excited to help our students, preceptors, and university partners. Click any of the images below to learn more about our incredible team members!
Krish Chopra
Founder & CEO
Valeria Acuña
Operations Manager
Joseph de Veyra, DNP, RN, PCCN, MBA
Chief Nursing Officer
Ada Solorzano
Talent & Acquisition Specialist
Alejandra Delgado
Student Coordinator
Matthew Waring, MBA
Chief Operating Officer
Emma Pao
Chief of Staff
Carlos Navarro
Student Coordinator
Erick Gonzalez
Operations Team Lead
Ana Ortega
Anna Gaultney
Executive Assistant
Sombal Bari
Preceptor Recruiter
Ashley Bushee
Preceptor Recruiter
Daniela Castillo
Data Analyst
Edgar Rojas
Matching Specialist Team Lead
Elvis Godoy
Preceptor Success Specialist
Ernesto Utrera
Student Coordinator
Gabriela Arriola
Student Coordinator
Alejandra (Mariale) Pinzon
Student Coordinator
Eugenia Medina
Student Coordinator
Isabella Moncayo
Social Media & Video Editor
Jonathan Flores
Preceptor Success Specialist
Andrea Hernandez
Student Coordinator
Juliana Carvajal
Student Coordinator
Lauren Borja
Department Manager, Student Success
Madison Whelchel
Product Mananger
Miguel Perea
Student Coordinator
Nelson Zerpa
Data Coordinator
Rogers Rengifo
Accounting Manager
Samir Labbad
Documentation Specialist
Sarah Rose Buckley
Preceptor Recruiter
Alfred Albizuri
Student Success Manager
Silvia Castro
Student Coordinator
Sofia Arenas
Student Coordinator
Will Hamilton
Team Lead & Senior Preceptor Recruiter
Krish Chopra

Krish Chopra is the Founder and CEO of NPHub. He believes in two truths: everything is a learnable skill and real leadership involves caring for others. Krish’s mission is to empower underserved communities. The mission of NPHub is to solve the preceptor shortage that unfairly impacts graduate level nursing.

In 2019, Krish was selected in Inc.’s 30 under 30 list, a prestigious recognition for rising stars in entrepreneurship. Recognized by Medium as a Top Writer in Leadership in 2018, he regularly contributes to major publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Thrive Global, Huffington Post, and Inc.  Additionally, Krish is a mentor for young start-ups for the incubator, Propellent labs, and is also a member of the YEC, an invite only group comprised of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs age 45 and younger.

Krish Chopra is a graduate of the University of Michigan, a Wolverines fan and a lover of fine wine. A fun fact about Krish is that he loves Spiderman and loves to talk about anything Marvel related!

Valeria Acuña

Valeria Acuña is our Operations Manager at NPHub.

Valeria is a Mechanical Engineer graduate of the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, Venezuela. She began working with NPHub in late 2019 and discovered she really enjoys working with a company that has such a positive impact on the NP community! She's committed to helping NP students and loves working with such dedicated healthcare professionals.

In her free time, Valeria really enjoys cooking, going to the gym, hiking, and doing anything outdoorsy. She's really outgoing, spontaneous, and kind of obsessed with coffee.

Joseph de Veyra, DNP, RN, PCCN, MBA

Joseph de Veyra, DNP, RN, PCCN, MBA has 15+ years of experience as a Healthcare & Nursing Executive.

His previous experiences include working at University of Washington Medicine, Health Services Advisory Group, and Veterans Affairs Long Beach Healthcare System.

Joseph completed his MPH at Harvard University, his MBA at MIT, and his DNP and MSN at California State University.

Ada Solorzano

Ada is The Talent & Acquisition Specialist of NPHub. She began working in 2020 as one of the first preceptor recruiting coordinators and now she’s advocated to find the best talent to join the NPHub team and ensure we provide the best experience to our Students and Preceptors.

"The impact that NPHub has on the NP industry is remarkable and wonderful. We’re able to stand out and make a difference because of the amazing people that are part of our team.”  She's a 2015 graduate of Arturo Michelena University in Venezuela and enjoys the MCU, hanging out with friends while trying wines and spending time with her dog, Brandon.

Alejandra Delgado

Alejandra is the Student Coordinator for the MidWest here at NPHub! She enjoys spending time with her friends and taking road trips to the beach. She's also a bit of a foodie, loves getting new tattoos, and has 3 dogs and 3 cats that she adores with her life.

Matthew Waring, MBA

Matthew Waring is the Chief Operating Officer for NPHub and responsible for the daily financial and operational administration of the company. Before NPHub, Matt Co-Founded and grew one of the Southeast’s largest technology integrators from inception to successful exit, earning national recognition along the way. Matt received his undergrad degree in Finance from Auburn University and holds an MBA from Emory University. He also currently serves on the Advisory Board for Emory University’s Goizueta Business School.

Emma Pao

Emma is a native Atlantan. She loves to travel, try new odd foods and eat way too much while doing so. She also enjoys watching college football - Go Dawgs! In her spare time, she enjoys going to the gym and taking walks with her dog, Chopper.

Carlos Navarro

Carlos attended the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, Venezuela where graduated as a Biologist. He majored in Human Nutrition, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Public Health because well-being and healthy lifestyles have always been a passion of his. He graduated with an honorary mention on his thesis for its contribution to the assessment of cardiometabolic risk factors.

Carlos likes trying new things. Amongst other activities, Carlos was a tennis player and swimmer, but he also loves hiking. New adventures and challenges excite him. He's the father of two cats which he loves.

Erick Gonzalez

Erick has been working at NPHub for over a year. He started as operations coordinator and, more recently, has taken on the Operations Team Lead role. He loves automating processes, analyzing data, and solving problems for his teammates. In his free time he enjoys sports and being around lots of people.

Ana Ortega

Ana is an accomplished artist and really enjoys using her skills to communicate what NPHub has to offer. She was born and raised in Venezuela but is currently living in Santiago de Chile. She has over 7 years of experience working with digital and print projects.

Anna Gaultney

Anna is the Executive Assistant to the CEO and COO at NPHub. She has been with NPHub since the fall of 2023. She is passionate about supporting the senior-level executives and making sure that they're able to focus on their core responsibilities. She really prides herself on her exceptional organizational skills and is a great multi-tasker. Being an EA involves being a part of a little bit of everything. "It's really exciting to see how awesome the NPHub team is at facing challenges and solving problems. No two days are ever the same".

Anna's favorite part of NPHub is the team. "I was warmly welcomed and supported by this amazing team. It's awesome to work with great individuals who go out their way to form relationships with one another."

In her free time, Anna enjoys watching movies, traveling, and hanging out with her close friends. She is also a huge foodie and loves to cook - especially pasta! If you have any great restaurant recommendations, she is always all ears!

Sombal Bari

Sombal is our Preceptor Recruiter for the Southeast. She moved to Atlanta in 2021 and started working at NPHub in September 2022. Her prior work and internship experience has allowed her to build relationships with healthcare workers and help students find their ideal clinical rotation.

Sombal is a graduate of the University of Georgia where she received a dual Masters degree in Public Health and the other in Social Work. She also attended Florida State University where she received her Bachelors in Psychology. She enjoys trying new food and creating long-lasting relationships.

Ashley Bushee

Ashley Bushee is the Preceptor Recruiter for the Southeast. She enjoys creating connections with preceptors and building relationships in the community with healthcare workers. She is passionate about helping students find qualified preceptors so they are able to complete their clinical rotations and graduate on time.

Ashley is a graduate of the University of Tennessee where she studied Communication Studies. She moved to Atlanta shortly after graduation and has loved exploring the city. She enjoys happy hours and cuddling with her dog, Cooper, and cat, Leo and Ollie.

Daniela Castillo

Daniela is our Data Analyst as part of the Operations team. She assists with analytics, dashboards, and tracking across all functions of our business.

Edgar Rojas

Edgar works in the front line at NPHub, helping students find their perfect preceptor match. He graduated from Law School, but found out later that is not his thing. He is passionate about learning new things and teaching, likes to talk a lot and knows how to tell a good story. He loves video games, and everything about pop culture, movies, series, comic books, music and technology.

Edgar realizes all the time that he has a pretty cool mission at the company when students say we help them graduate on time.

Elvis Godoy

Elvis works as our Preceptor Success Specialist. He likes to play video games and play the guitar.

Ernesto Utrera

Ernesto has been with NPHub since September 2022 alongside the Student Success Team as a Student Coordinator.

He graduated from law school in 2017 and is passionate about sports, music and technology. In his free time, he enjoys playing football or video games with his kids, and also loves a good movie. Ernesto loves his role and understands the significance it carries for NPHub, but more importantly, for the students. He is excited for what is yet to come and all the new things he'll learn in this path.

Gabriela Arriola

Gabriela Arriola is the Student Coordinator of NPHub for the Southeast region. She has been part of NPHub's Student Success Team since September 2021 and her job is to make sure that NP students are able to, not only secure a rotation but to connect and build strong relationships with their preceptors.

Gabriela is currently completing her major in Software Development Engineering.

Alejandra (Mariale) Pinzon

Alejandra (Mariale) is in the student success department as the Student Coordinator Floater for East Coast and Florida. She is a very friendly and passionate journalist and social communicator with experience in the health sector. She deeply believes that the work of our nurses and doctors is among the most important and beautiful professions. Driven by this belief, she strives to do her best every day to support them and ease their burdens.

She loves learning new languages ​​and new cultures, right now she is a big fan of South Korean culture so she is learning korean and the next item on her bucket list is traveling there.

Eugenia Medina

Eugenia attended Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela where she graduated as a Lawyer. She obtained an an honorary mention on her thesis, was part of the student council and was part of Model United Nations for 4 years.

Eugenia loves to play sports. Amongst other activities, Eugenia is a padel player, but she also loves to dance and play volleyball. She loves to hang out with friends and family.

Eugenia joined NPHub in May 2023, and currently works in the Student Success Department, where she gets to interact and help students with whatever they need!

Isabella Moncayo

Isabella started as a content writer but then she started creating another type of content too and became the Social Media & Video Editor for NPHub. She creates a lot of fun content for our social media and has been part of the marketing team since July 2021. She's from Ecuador but studied in Mexico and has a major in communications and a minor in marketing. She's super creative and enthusiastic.

Jonathan Flores

Jonathan has been part of NPHub for quite some time and is part of the Preceptor Success team. He is always looking to help students find the best match for their preceptorship needs, answer questions and clarify any doubts students may have. He likes to be organized and quick. He's passionate about science, music, and sports.

Andrea Hernandez

Andrea is the Student Coordinator for Florida, and has been working at NPHub since 2021. As a Student Coordinator, she makes sure students are placed successfully with preceptors that will help them make the best out of their rotation.  She has always had a drive for helping people, and she wants to help Nurse Practitioners fix the healthcare gap. She’s currently majoring in Psychology and Sound Engineering, and loves music and traveling to meet new people and cultures.

Juliana Carvajal

Juliana is in the student success department as a Student Coordinator. She helps students get placed with the preceptors and assists them throughout the process. She's a microbiologist. As a healthcare professional, she identifies with each student and wants to provide them with the best customer service. She loves learning new languages, rolling skating, and her cat, Stitch. She's a cat lover.

Lauren Borja

Lauren has been with us since 2017. She started as the first Student Coordinator at NPHub. She has grown within the company and now she’s the Department Manager for Student Success and Preceptor Success team. And keeps working with her team to develop them to provide the best customer service to our Students and Preceptors. She’s a dog and cat mom. Food lover and enjoys watching a good series.

Madison Whelchel

Madison Whelchel is the Product Manager at NPHub. She started with the company in 2018 in the Sales department, and in the years since has discovered her passion for technology and operations. Madison enjoys using innovation, product management, and problem solving skills to optimize the NPHub Process. She is a member of the NPHub management team where she provides strategy and unique input about the goals and mission for the company.

Madison graduated from the University of Georgia in 2016 - Go Dawgs! She loves new foods, her chihuahua, Zoey, and binging her favorite shows.

Miguel Perea

Miguel is a Student Coordinator at NPHub. He's in charge of fast tracking the paperwork so students can start their rotations on time, and ensures they are up to date and notified of any changes throughout the whole process. Miguel majored in Biology in university, and has a huge affinity for nature and wildlife photography and conservation.

Nelson Zerpa

My name is Nelson. I am from Venezuela and I am 53 years old. I am an Information Technology specialist and I work at NPHub as a Data Coordinator. My responsibilities as a Data Coordinator include the following:

• Creating and executing database programs, as well as running data queries.

• Executing secure and effective data procedures.

• Maintaining the integrity of data containing different systems (Stripe, Pipedrive, QuickBooks).

• Automating different administrative procedures.

• Carrying through batch procedures to maintain the integrity of the workflow at the accounting department (invoices, payments, refunds, deposits, etc).

Rogers Rengifo

Rogers handles the accounting department at NPHUB. His major focus is to optimize the accounting processes in our company as well as making sure the financial data is updated for the decision making. He also works on part of the tax preparation by providing bookkeepers with the required information.

Rogers graduated from Andres Bello Catholic University in Venezuela. He's been living in Chile since 2019 and he enjoys roller skating.

Samir Labbad

Samir is the Documentation Specialist of NPHUB. He began working in 2021 as an Administrative Coordinator taking part of the Student team, always willing to help students and preceptor to have a wonderful experience during their time with us at NPHub. Then he changed to the product team as the Documentation Specialist, in charge of making sure that all the foundations and processes of the company are described and documented correctly.

Graduated from UCAB, in Venezuela as an Industrial Engineer. I love hanging out with friends, trying new foods and playing basketball.

Sarah Rose Buckley

Sarah is a Preceptor Recruiter. She oversees the South Central territory and is responsible for bringing on amazing healthcare providers to accept NP students for their clinicals. Sarah has been working at NPHub for 2 and a half years now, but before settling down into the corporate world, she lived in Australia for a year as an au pair, and backpacked parts of Southeast Asia. She also teaches yoga as her side hustle and is always up to wine & dine.

Alfred Albizuri

Alfred has been with NPHub since 2019. Prior to this, he worked at a large company for 5 years in different roles, but he wanted a new challenge. Now, he’s using his expertise at NPHub helping NP students find the perfect preceptors as our Student Success Manager. He completed a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering. In his free time, Alfred enjoys a great cup of coffee, and is an avid comic and anime fan.

Silvia Castro

Silvia has been working with NPHub since February 2022 and is on the Student Success Team as the Student Coordinator for the Southwest region. She supervises and manages students' requests from the moment the request is placed to the completion of the student’s rotation. She is the first point of contact for students and preceptors.

Sofia Arenas

Sofia is in the Student Success department as the Student Coordinator for the Northeast region. Her job is to help our NP students with everything they need to successfully complete their clinical rotations. She's originally from Venezuela and is currently majoring in International Relations. She's passionate about learning new cultures and loves to bake in her free time.

Will Hamilton

Will is the Team Lead and Senior Recruiter for the recruiting department here at NPHub! Will loves to play golf in and around Atlanta and hang out with friends when he's not at the office. He has been with NPHub since April 2021 after graduating from Georgia College and State University.